Alpine News Features
Alpine News Features
By Sam Masters.
The Chill Pass is the great unifying force of our age. It far surpasses the hapless attempts at world peace made at the Congress of Vienna (1815), the League of Nations (1920) and the United Nations (1945).
The Chill Pass is the great unifying force of our age. It far surpasses the hapless attempts at world peace made at the Congress of Vienna (1815), the League of Nations (1920) and the United Nations (1945).
- May 01, 2018
A Chill interview with the Kea Conservation Trust.
- January 01, 2018
By Lachlan Humphreys / Clean Line Productions.
Each year I head over to New Zealand from Australia to get my snow fix. There is something about New Zealand that continually draws me back and keeps me exploring.
Each year I head over to New Zealand from Australia to get my snow fix. There is something about New Zealand that continually draws me back and keeps me exploring.
- December 01, 2017
By Emma Swaffield & Charlie Renzoni.
Hailing from Whistler, Emma and Charlie lived out of their Prado while touring around the Southern Alps for winter 2017 with a Chill Season Pass.
Hailing from Whistler, Emma and Charlie lived out of their Prado while touring around the Southern Alps for winter 2017 with a Chill Season Pass.
- November 01, 2017
By Nick Pascoe.
In Canterbury there’s an awkward in between kind of season where the weather is cold and dreary, but the snow hasn’t quite built up enough for the clubbies to open up shop for the season. However touring missions are great to fill this gap!
In Canterbury there’s an awkward in between kind of season where the weather is cold and dreary, but the snow hasn’t quite built up enough for the clubbies to open up shop for the season. However touring missions are great to fill this gap!
- August 01, 2017
By Nick Pascoe.
Wondering what you’ve got yourself into is common on first arriving at a clubfield, but they’ll quickly grow on you until you can’t consider skiing anywhere else.
Wondering what you’ve got yourself into is common on first arriving at a clubfield, but they’ll quickly grow on you until you can’t consider skiing anywhere else.
- July 12, 2017